What is Palm Vein Recognition?
A biometric technology that authenticates users on the Basis of vein pattern recognition rather than iris scans or fingerprint readers. The world’s first “Contactless Vein Authentication” technology developed by Fujitsu offers even more security and ease of use and overcomes previous problems related to security concerns. It accurately identifies an individual using the complex vein pattern in the palm of their hand. The technology is incredibly secure – only granting access if blood is flowing through the circulatory system. It is now able to be used in a wide range of situations thanks to reductions in size, reductions in cost, and simplification of development.
The PalmSecure
PalmSecure sensor captures more than five million reference points from someone’s palm-vein pattern to confirm their identity. The image capture and matching processes work without the need to touch the sensor’s surface, making it very hygienic. A person’s palm-vein pattern remains the same throughout their life. Every palm-vein pattern is also unique. Individuals have different patterns in their left and their right hands, and even twins have different patterns.
The technology
PalmSecure emits near-infrared rays that are absorbed by deoxidized hemoglobin present in blood flowing through a user’s palm veins. This causes an image of the palm to be captured as a vein pattern, which is then verified against the user’s pre-registered pattern to grant (or deny) access to a physical location or computer network.